Download Sotoshop CS3 PORTABLE Via 4Shared
Ane mo share step by step manipulationnya buat pic yang ini:
Ada 27 (ane bagi 2, soalnya halamannya gag cukup ) langkah utama, monggo disimak, gan
1. Large Gothic Doorway
2. Knight
3. Clouds
4. Shield
5. Wings
6. Sword
7. Light Beams and Rays Brushes
8. Feather Brush Set
Go to File > New (Ctrl+N) to create a new canvas. Example: 1700px wide by 2400px high at 300dpi.
Open in Photoshop the Large Gothic Doorway image and use the Move Tool (V) to drag it into the document you are working in. Then go to Edit > Free Transform (Ctrl+T) and scale the image down to fit your canvas. Change the name of this layer to Large Gothic Doorway.
To apply the sharpen filter, go to Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen.
Now we need to cut the floor and everything that is behind the gate. In the next steps we will put some nice clouds there. So, use the Pen Tool (P) to create a path along the gate. Then, with the Pen Tool still selected, right-click on your image, select Make Selection and click OK.
Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), right-click on your image, and select Layer via Copy. Now the selection is in a new layer. Later we will use this layer to create a clipping mask for the clouds layer.
Open in Photoshop the clouds image and move it in your document using the Move Tool (V). Change the name of this new layer to clouds.
Right-click on your clouds layer and select Create Clipping Mask. Now the clouds layer is using the layer directly beneath it (Layer 1) as a mask.
We don`t want the clouds to be at the bottom of our image. To fix that, make sure that you have the clouds layer selected and go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All. Then select a black soft brush (B) with the diameter of 200px and mask the bottom part of the clouds layer. Take a look at the following image for reference.
To duplicate a layer, right-click on it and select Duplicate Layer (Ctrl+J). Use the Move Tool (V) to move this layer at the top of the gate. Then add a layer mask to this layer, select a black soft brush with the diameter of 200px and mask the bottom part of this layer. Take a look at the next image for reference.
Open in Photoshop the knight photo and use the Pen Tool (P) to cut the knight from the image. Then using the Move Tool (V), move the knight to the document you are working in. Also, change the name of this layer to knight.
Make sure that you have your knight layer selected. Then go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All. Select a black soft brush with the diameter of 80px and mask the horse`s legs like I did.
Now we are going to create some lights and shadows for the knight layer. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves, make sure that the Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask option is checked and click OK.
Use the settings from the next image for the curves. Then fill the layer mask with black using the Paint Bucket Tool (G), select a soft white brush with the diameter of 50px and paint with this brush on the mask to create some lights on the knight.
Repeat the previous step to create some shadows on the knight. For the Curves layer use the settings from the next image.
Open the wings image in Photoshop. Then copy and paste the wings that you like into your document and put them on the knight`s back. Also, change the name of this layer to wings.
Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves, make sure that the Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask option is checked and make a curve like I did.
Then go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast and use 24 for the brightness and 38 for the contrast. I also painted with a black soft brush on this layer`s mask because some areas of the wings were too bright.
Open in Photoshop the Black Knight V image and use the Pen Tool (P) to cut the shield from the image. Then move it into your document using the Move Tool (V). Go to Edit > Free Transform, hold down the Shift key, scale the shield down and rotate it like I did. Change the name of this layer to shield.
Now it`s time to give to the knight a sword. Open in Photoshop the sword image, cut the one from the middle and move it in your document. Change the name of this layer to sword and put it beneath the knight layer. The knight is almost complete now.
Hold down the Ctrl key and select all the knight`s layers. Then hit Ctrl+G to group them. Change the name of this group to knight.
Make sure that you have the knight group selected. Then go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All and paint with a black soft brush with the diameter of 50px and the opacity set to 60%. Take a look at the following image for reference.
Right-click on the knight group and select Convert to Smart Object. Now the knight is in just one layer. If you want to edit the knight, double-click on the layer`s thumbnail. A new document will appear with all the knight`s layers. When you finish editing, save this new document and close it. Then the changes will be applied to the smart object.
Ane mo share step by step manipulationnya buat pic yang ini:
1. Large Gothic Doorway
2. Knight
3. Clouds
4. Shield
5. Wings
6. Sword
7. Light Beams and Rays Brushes
8. Feather Brush Set
Spoiler for step 1 - Create a new document:
Go to File > New (Ctrl+N) to create a new canvas. Example: 1700px wide by 2400px high at 300dpi.
Spoiler for step 2 - Large Gothic Doorway:
Open in Photoshop the Large Gothic Doorway image and use the Move Tool (V) to drag it into the document you are working in. Then go to Edit > Free Transform (Ctrl+T) and scale the image down to fit your canvas. Change the name of this layer to Large Gothic Doorway.
Spoiler for step 3 - Apply the Sharpen Filter:
To apply the sharpen filter, go to Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen.
Spoiler for step 4 - Select the gate:
Now we need to cut the floor and everything that is behind the gate. In the next steps we will put some nice clouds there. So, use the Pen Tool (P) to create a path along the gate. Then, with the Pen Tool still selected, right-click on your image, select Make Selection and click OK.
Spoiler for step 5 - Put the selection in a new layer:
Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), right-click on your image, and select Layer via Copy. Now the selection is in a new layer. Later we will use this layer to create a clipping mask for the clouds layer.
Spoiler for step 6 - Add the clouds:
Open in Photoshop the clouds image and move it in your document using the Move Tool (V). Change the name of this new layer to clouds.
Spoiler for step 7 - Create a Clipping Mask:
Right-click on your clouds layer and select Create Clipping Mask. Now the clouds layer is using the layer directly beneath it (Layer 1) as a mask.
Spoiler for step 8 - Mask the clouds layer:
We don`t want the clouds to be at the bottom of our image. To fix that, make sure that you have the clouds layer selected and go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All. Then select a black soft brush (B) with the diameter of 200px and mask the bottom part of the clouds layer. Take a look at the following image for reference.
Spoiler for step 9 - Duplicate the clouds layer:
To duplicate a layer, right-click on it and select Duplicate Layer (Ctrl+J). Use the Move Tool (V) to move this layer at the top of the gate. Then add a layer mask to this layer, select a black soft brush with the diameter of 200px and mask the bottom part of this layer. Take a look at the next image for reference.
Spoiler for step 10 - The knight:
Open in Photoshop the knight photo and use the Pen Tool (P) to cut the knight from the image. Then using the Move Tool (V), move the knight to the document you are working in. Also, change the name of this layer to knight.
Spoiler for step 11 - Add a mask to the knight layer:
Make sure that you have your knight layer selected. Then go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All. Select a black soft brush with the diameter of 80px and mask the horse`s legs like I did.
Spoiler for step 12 - Lights:
Now we are going to create some lights and shadows for the knight layer. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves, make sure that the Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask option is checked and click OK.
Use the settings from the next image for the curves. Then fill the layer mask with black using the Paint Bucket Tool (G), select a soft white brush with the diameter of 50px and paint with this brush on the mask to create some lights on the knight.
Spoiler for step 13 - Shadows:
Repeat the previous step to create some shadows on the knight. For the Curves layer use the settings from the next image.
Spoiler for step 14 - The wings:
Open the wings image in Photoshop. Then copy and paste the wings that you like into your document and put them on the knight`s back. Also, change the name of this layer to wings.
Spoiler for step 15 - Adjustments for the wings layer:
Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves, make sure that the Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask option is checked and make a curve like I did.
Then go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast and use 24 for the brightness and 38 for the contrast. I also painted with a black soft brush on this layer`s mask because some areas of the wings were too bright.
Spoiler for step 16 - The shield:
Open in Photoshop the Black Knight V image and use the Pen Tool (P) to cut the shield from the image. Then move it into your document using the Move Tool (V). Go to Edit > Free Transform, hold down the Shift key, scale the shield down and rotate it like I did. Change the name of this layer to shield.
Spoiler for step 17 - The sword:
Now it`s time to give to the knight a sword. Open in Photoshop the sword image, cut the one from the middle and move it in your document. Change the name of this layer to sword and put it beneath the knight layer. The knight is almost complete now.
Spoiler for step 18 - Group all the knight`s layers:
Hold down the Ctrl key and select all the knight`s layers. Then hit Ctrl+G to group them. Change the name of this group to knight.
Spoiler for step 19 - Add a mask to the knight group:
Make sure that you have the knight group selected. Then go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All and paint with a black soft brush with the diameter of 50px and the opacity set to 60%. Take a look at the following image for reference.
Spoiler for step 20 - Transform the knight group into a Smart Object:
Right-click on the knight group and select Convert to Smart Object. Now the knight is in just one layer. If you want to edit the knight, double-click on the layer`s thumbnail. A new document will appear with all the knight`s layers. When you finish editing, save this new document and close it. Then the changes will be applied to the smart object.